Best Products & Services near Axminster, Devon 

Find all of the businesses and stores local to the Axminster, Devon area that have been verified by Best of the Web Local

25 listings found

Axe Valley Bird and Animal Park

Features visitor information, photographs and a map for this attraction.

Axminster and District Choral Society

Contains a concert archive for this choir and details of their forthcoming performances.

Axminster Carpets Ltd

Home of the famous carpet manufacturers; features a product gallery, details of how the carpets are made, a stockist locator and information on the company's history. Includes downloadable brochures.

Axminster Heritage

Showcases this local history exhibition and provides a timeline of the town's history and the development of its world famous carpet industry. With personal stories and photographs.

Axminster Parish Church

Profiles St Mary the Virgin church, with details of services and a parish directory.

Axminster Town AFC

Provides news, diary dates and squad and fixture information for this football club, including player photographs and profiles.

Burrow Farm Garden

Presents photographs and information about this ten acre landscaped garden and its facilities.

Kilmington Primary School

Online educational resources of the school for parents, teachers, and students. School overview, diary, and newsletters.

Mill Water House

Bed and breakfast provides photographs and an overview of available accommodation.

Axminster Guildhall

Offers and events calendar for this hall and function space, with information on its facilities.

Axminster Photography Group

Highlights the regular programme of meetings and events run by this photography club, with galleries of members' work.

Axminster Skill Centre

Purpose built workshops, teaching a range of courses on woodworking, engineering and associated crafts.


Showcases the menus and signature dishes of this Indian restaurant.

Cloakham Lawn Sports Centre

Provides an outline of the facilities at this sports centre and the clubs which use them.

Flamingo Pool

Swimming pool built by community funds. Contains pool timetables and information on lessons.

Hedgehog Corner

Bed and breakfast showcases its rooms, rates and surroundings.

Morgan York

Independent estate agents; includes property listings.

East Devon Physical Therapy: Rehabilitation & Performance Centre

East Devon physical therapy - providing physio, sports massage, injury rehab, bike fitting, and running injury treatment in Axminster.

The Awareness Centre

Alternative and complementary health centre offers information on available treatments, workshops and special events.

Axminster Tool Centre Ltd

Suppliers of tools, machinery and workshop consumables.

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