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Construction Supplies Hardware Ltd.

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About Construction Supplies Hardware Ltd.

Construction Supplies Hardware Ltd. were established in 1979 and are dedicated to providing a first class service coupled with very competitive prices, both locally via their trade counter and throughout the UK via their website.

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Services Construction Supplies Hardware Ltd. Offers

Construction Supplies Hardware Ltd. stock hardware products from a number of leading brands such as From the Anvil, Heritage Brass, Frelan, Atlantic and PC Henderson. Product ranges include door hardware, such as door handles and locks, window hardware, locks, latches, hinges, bolts and joinery seals.

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More About Construction Supplies Hardware Ltd.

Construction Supplies Hardware Ltd. are online retailers of a wide range of architectural ironmongery, hardware and DIY supplies. They stock hardware products from a number of leading brands such as From the Anvil, Heritage Brass, Frelan, Atlantic and PC Henderson. Product ranges include door hardware, such as door handles and locks, window hardware, locks, latches, hinges, bolts and joinery seals.